Want to know more about me?

Life isn’t all about fitness … 
and yet movement works its way into every aspect of my life.

I spend quality time with my two daughters, husband, and two dogs on a daily basis. Often, that means taking the girls and my hubby and friends out on a hike or walk within nature. 

We’ll walk miles together, find a perfect spot for a picnic, and nestle down in the beauty for  an amazing lunch (often prepared by my amazing husband; he’s an excellent foodie for the job!). This is what it means to live well.

Alicia Wang, Movement Specialist

For me, life is about being in nature every day.

Whether that looks like running, or cycling. Or maybe Yoga. Hiking. Swimming. Cliff jumping. Cold plunging. Eating wholesome food. Camping. Tree climbing. Reading. Cooking. Gardening. Traveling. Exploring the back country.

Yep; I do it as much as I can. Which usually means I move a lot!